• Richard Meissner's avatar
    Backmerge 1.3.0 libs.0 (#383) · ee929573
    Richard Meissner authored
    * move signMessageLib out of examples and deploy it (#333)
    * fix signmessagelib deployment
    * add polygon config
    * add bsc to config
    * add arbitrum config
    * add fantom testnet configuration
    * Extended SignMessageLib tests (#347)
    * add test for using invalid operation with signmessagelib
    * extract singed messages mapping storage slot to a constant
    * add test for SignMessageLib storage manipulations
    * update lockfile
    * update description of test that checks storage slots
    * change nonce visibility to internal
    * use EOA acc to test DELEGATECALL enforcement
    * test desc correction
    * test desc correction 2
    * Feature: Storage tests for GnosisSafeStorage and GnosisSafe contracts  (#348)
    * gnosissafestorage tests wip
    * trying to hack the matcher
    * add mastercopy storage tests
    * test disc fix
    * formatting improvement
    * use startsWith in test, change mastercopy to singleton
    * Support custom singleton factory (#344)
    * PoC of custom singleton factory
    * Adjust readme
    * Bump node version
    * Use npm packages
    * Update solidity coverage
    * Update changelog§ (#350)
    * Improve readme
    * Update factory
    * fix tests naming (#401)
    * Remove duplicate SignMessage contract
    Co-authored-by: default avatarMikhail Mikheev <mmvsha73@gmail.com>